Grimsby Tennis Centre



Tokens to operate the tennis Floodlights and Squash court meters are available from:-

Andrew Lashbrook 
Andrew Lashbrook

Clive Lovell
Clive Lovell
01472 340726
 Colyn Bunn
Colyn Bunn

Tokens currently cost £1 each.


There are two sets of token meters which are located in the corridor to the squash court. Please note that the tokens used for the two sets of meters are different.

Each token meter controls the lighting on two tennis courts.

Currently 3 tokens per hour are required for lighting each pair of tennis courts. Meters operate courts 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6 respectively.

The floodlights are turned off automatically at 9:30pm to comply with Local Authority Planning requirements.

There is one token meter which operates the lighting in the squash court and another operates the court heater. There is no charge at the moment for the squash heater.

Page updated:- 24 May, 2023